ARRIVALS LOUNGE Sit down. Put the phone down. Put the book down. Put the pen down. Breathe out. Relax. Smile. You have arrived. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is the Arrivals Lounge? IMMERSION I close my eyes and I can see everything. The past, the present and the future is all around me. But it’s not activities, places or people I see. It cannot be described for it has no form. It is way beyond me and yet in me, as I am in it. With everything. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How and where does the word immersion relate to you? 2. What is 'way beyond you, and yet in you'? 3. In Astronomy, 'immersion' is defined as 'the disappearance of a celestial body in the shadow of or behind another'. How might this relate to us? PRODUCTION COMPANY From the words that you write these are lines to be spoken. There are songs to be sung and thoughts to be owned. There are moments to be savoured and truths to be uncovered. There are ways to be taken and a life to be discovered. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What words are you writing? 2. Begin to keep a journal, capture your thoughts every day and create you own production company. SIGN LANGUAGE The rabbit. The dog and the seagull. I can still make those hand shadows against the wall, when I get close to the light. I can still remember their voices and the dramatic storylines. They are forever with me. The rabbit. The dog and the seagull. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What shadows can you create with your hands? 2. What's your story? HAPPINESS It takes great courage to live your life as you really are. For so much of what we do and say is filtered, by what we believe others will think of us. Our ego, vanity and society all demand, that we present ourselves in a way that will please others. But others, are also thinking and acting in the same way. They too, are trying to present themselves so that we will approve of them. If only one of us could have the courage to change, and live our life as we really are. Then perhaps, we would give permission to others to be themselves. We can relieve ourselves of the burden of expectation, and the stress of living to a false standard. We can be courageous and be truly happy. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What do you need to change, to live your life as you really are? 2. How can you find true happiness? DOUGHNUT Personal development consists of three key elements. They come together like a doughnut! The physical doughnut is our physical selves. Everything around the doughnut is the world around us. And the hole in the doughnut? Well, here there is nothing. It is empty. It is the absence of self. This absence of our self is the core of our personal development, for it takes us in, through and beyond, what we are in this world. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Draw a doughnut and label the three components of personal development. 2. Write down your action plan for each component. How will you develop this aspect of yourself? LIGHT SWITCH If you switch off when you hear the word 'God', then just change it to love. If you switch off when you hear the word 'love', them just change it to your name. For you are part of all love. We are part of God. And that cannot be changed, ever. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write a sentence (or two) that includes the words 'God', 'love' and your name. FLIGHT ATTENDANT You can throw that old unused loaf of bread in the bin, to rot, or take the slices and scatter them on the grass for the birds. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How are you connecting to and looking after the natural world we live in? CRITICAL THINKING Once we have the courage to give up what we are desperately trying to hold onto.... we find where we should be, what we should be doing and what we are really looking for. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are you desperately trying to hold onto? COMBINE HARVESTER Our personal harvesting is an ongoing, everlasting, outpouring of our experience, knowledge, expertise and love. Our collective harvesting, is a daily torrent of all that we need for ourselves and the world, now and forever. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are you harvesting each day? 2. How are you using your experience, knowledge and expertise to build love? 3. How are you encouraging others to harvest? 4. What are you building together through collective harvesting? |
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