Day 332 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises MEANING I seem to spend so much time searching for meaning and looking for happiness. Perhaps I need to start in a different place. For when I see myself at the centre of everything, it’s easy to lose my way. The first step I think, is to go deeper within myself to that place of nothingness. It is here that I find all that I need. For here is the reservoir of love, where I can become, at the same time, both all powerful and yet powerless. When I then act, or talk, or interact from this place I do so from a position of all-ness rather than self. By trusting in love, I become one with love. For all becomes possible, when it is no longer about my narrow definition of self, or purpose. I find the meaning of all in this place within me, in power and powerlessness, in all-ness and nothingness. For I am no longer separate from everything, adrift on the sea. I am the sea. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Can you shut out the world and go deeper within yourself? 2. Can you sit for a few minutes in the place of nothingness? |
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