Day 441 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF When I sit down at my desk in the morning, it’s like taking my seat at Mission Control. For this is no ordinary desk. It has a laptop that connects me to the world! I power up the machine and all is laid out before me. What shall we do today? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How is your laptop at the heart of your Mission Control? 2. What is your Mission? 3. What shall you do today? Day 440 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises SELF-SCULPTURE Personal development, is about chipping away at the pieces we do not like, about ourselves. It’s about using a selection of tools, from heavy duty drills to fine chisels, as we get closer to what we might be. For deep inside our concrete exterior is our real self, looking to be freed. Our perfect ‘me’ is already within us, and so, we chip away. You see, personal development is not only about learning new skills, or adding more layers, to what we already are. Personal development is about chipping away to uncover what is already here, and to become what we really are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How is your Self-Sculpture coming along? 2. What tools are you using ? What are your heavy duty drills and fine chisels? Day 439 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises CONSULTANCY SKILLS It’s sometimes hard to be a leader, to stand out and to stand alone. This is the primary role of a Consultant. To have a perspective and to lead. Our role is to challenge the value system, for how else can we give value for money? And how else will we enable others to make changes, that can make a difference? We will not always win the contract, for many do not want to listen, or change. At times, we are all called as Consultants, to stand out and to stand alone. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When did you last take a stand or give a different opinion to others? 2. What are your core values? Write these down..... Day 438 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises PEN NAME Our God comes with no baggage or history, no image or place, no authority or stories, no religion or belief. For our God has no name, but love. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What does your God come with? 2. What do you call love? Day 437 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE FIRST RULE OF COACHING Coaching is not a dominant relationship. The Coach is not in charge. The Coach is meant to facilitate, encourage and enable progress to be made. This means that the Coach is also part of the coaching process. In other words, the person being coached, should also be coaching the Coach. For example, this can be as simple as ‘What is your key priority this week?’ or ‘What is the one thing you need to achieve by our next session?’ In other words, being accountable to your Client makes you real. It makes the relationship more equitable. It makes the struggle a ‘two-way’ rather than ‘one-way’ process. It ensures that you are embedded in, and not detached from the process. So real coaching, is two-way not one. The coach has to invest in the process. It has to be a journey for them. The learning, benefits and outcomes then are not only for your Client, but also, for you as Coach, and for the journey that you undertake together PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How can you apply the first rule of Coaching at work, with your family, and with your friends and colleagues? 2. How might we journey better together? Day 436 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Say it in the present tense, or it can never happen. You see, ‘I am’ and ‘I have’, are now. ‘I will’, is in the future and can never happen. Say it in the present tense every day and watch it happen. ‘I am’ and ‘I have’, are waiting now for you to say these words, and watch it happen. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Please finish these sentences - I am..... I have.... I work.... I live.... 2. Now say these sentences every day - first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Day 435 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE JIGSAW OF EVERYONE Without you, this world would be incomplete. Like a thousand-piece jigsaw your absence is all that we would see. That one empty space. It is because you are here that everything is complete, and all is as it should be. You are irreplaceable. You are the one that makes everything worthwhile. You are the one that we all need. For without you our jigsaw is nothing. And when we understand this, we understand inclusion. We understand everything. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What does your piece of the Jigsaw look like? Draw it. Describe it. 2. What is the overall picture on the Jigsaw of Everyone? Day 434 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises NICHE MARKETING Joe Karbo, famously said that ‘you know more about something than half the people in the world’. What do you know about? What is your passion? Where is your experience? Where is your joy? For this is your purpose made real, by design and by chance. This is your expert position, and your gift to share. Half of the world is waiting. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What do you know about? 2. What is your passion? 3. Where is your experience? 4. Where is your joy? Day 433 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE INCLUSION PRAYER I always pray for everyone in the world. ‘Please help everyone’ It's an easy prayer! It’s not that I’m lazy. It’s just that I know that for all to be well, we all need to be well. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What's your Prayer? Day 432 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION The great transformation of your life is about to begin. You will see things in a different way. You will think about things in a different way. You will relate to others in a different way. And there are no words to describe this transformation. For all words limit, and reduce what you are about to become. Your transformation has begun. Hold the seed gently. Be quiet. Walk slowly. Give this process a chance to take root in your busy brain, and predictable life. For you will never think the same again. You will never act the same again. You will never be the same again. Today you have received the invitation of all invitations. Begin to get ready. Clear the decks. Be willing to grow. For everything you do from now on, will speak to you of transformation. The words you hear will be of encouragement for your transformation. The people you meet will be the helpers for your transformation And every day will give you the next stage, the next piece, and the next step forward in your transformation. You have nothing to do but to be ready, to be open, and to say yes each day, to your great transformation. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How can you begin, in this moment, your Great Transformation? |
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