Every conversation will give you ideas. Every new situation will give you a new perspective. Every time you help someone you have a new case study. Keep you mind ‘switched on’ to the new possibilities, information and ideas – all of the time!
Record all of this in your Journal!
EXERCISE - Go and get a journal or notebook now Start with a few entries. Put the date at the top of each page as you go along. Record your successes, to-do items, things to check, people to catch up with, notes for your ebooks, etc.
Use your Journal all of the time
1. Keep notes from training sessions, meetings, daily signposts & to-do lists!
2. Capture ideas on your phone when you are out and about.
3. Update your progress every day
4. Jot down your thoughts all of the time
5. Use the ‘microphone button’ to record notes wherever you are and then email them to yourself.
6. Organise files on your computer with all of your Workpiece projects
Have different sections in your journal
Some people divide their journal into sections like a project workbook with the following sections
Make sure that you have a list of all of the training lessons and a record of when you complete these. It is important that you read and complete the exercises. This is how you will build your future quickly and in a way that is sustainable.
Review your progress / Monthly planning
Once a month go back over your journal and see where you have made progress, review what has happened, etc.
Check that you are continuing to support the key behaviours in the Work it Out! way of working. Set out your objectives for the month ahead.