Every good Presentation or Workshop follows three stages. At Work it Out! we all it the Sandwich Method.
There is the first slice of bread (your welcome and introduction) Then we have the filling (your content and material) And finally, another slice of bread (your summary and conclusion )
Contents 1 2 3
Summary / Conclusion
Once you understand this three stage process you can deliver a talk, workshop or training session on any topic.
Let us look in a littel ore detail at each of these three stages....
1.Positive start - Be upbeat, smile, be welcoming and bring your energy and positivity to the session right from the start!
2.Purpose - Stat what the aim, purpose or objective of the session is. Why are we here?
3.Practical - Cover the finish time, breaks, use of phones, toilets, fire escape, etc.
4.Overview of content - Give an outline of the three key areas you intend to cover
5.Role of audience - Can they ask questions? Do they sit and listen or work in groups. Is it a talk or is there interactive sessions?
6.Planned outcomes - What will people gain from this session? What will they be better at or able to do? Give the audience reasons to stay, listen and work with you. .
Exercise One
Prepare an introduction for your next talk or presentation based on the points above.
Content - this is the filling in your sandwich!
What is the content of your presentation?
What is the information you want to share. Break this into three or four key points or sections
1 2 3
Make you learning easy to remember - e.g., 4 key points, the 'ABC' method, the 'Sandwich' approach, the 'Bob' model, the 5 'Rs' of, etc
What is the method of delivery for each element of content?
How can you use some of the following - a Quiz / Group work / Case study / Practical exercise / Role Plays / Brainstorming / etc…
Exercise Two
Design the content elements and methodology for your next talk or presentation based on the points above.
Summary / Conclusion - 4 key points
Easy to remember Summarise the content in an easy to remember way. How will they remember your three key topics / points?
Action plan What is the action plan? What do you want each person to do, think about or work on?
Follow-up What happens next to support this training? Do you want people to visit your website or download the training notes? Do you want them to complete a task and come back to you on this?
Feedback Create some feedback questions to find out what people thought about the session? What was your overall impression of the session? What did you find most helpful? What would you like me to cover next time?
Exercise Three
Prepare the Summary and Conclusion for your next talk or presentation based on the points above.