Des McCabe's best selling book on work, money and life
Employment is changing! Fewer of us have full-time jobs with final salary pensions, and the former assumption that if you studied hard you would get the job of your dreams no longer holds. Work it Out! will help you gain the skills, aptitude and confidence to adapt and prosper in this new world of work – whatever your age or background.
Rather than devoting all your time to one job – often to the exclusion of other interests – Work it Out! shows you how to find and create individual pieces of work with the help of personal contacts, the internet and other resources, and use these workpieces to build a career. Work it Out! is about far more than the process of working to earn money. It provides a template for making work fit into your life, providing an income and financial security, but also accommodating the needs of your family and relationships, and satisfying your personal ambitions. It will guide you in creating a life that is truly fulfilling! |