Inclusion is more than just an aspiration or a 'nice to have' feature. It is the fuel for leveraging individual contribution and maximising organisation potential.
Inclusion is about us. It's about how we as individuals communicate, relate and behave with others. The potential of inclusion therefore exists in every interaction and activity. Inclusion can produce real benefits in individual fulfilment, community sustainability and corporate competitive advantage.
Inclusion is also the foundation stone of our sharing economy. An inclusive mindset can support an operational framework that drives organisation success, individual engagement, staff and customer loyalty and brand value - and so enable organisations to fulfil their potential at all levels within society.
But how do we build inclusion?
The Work it Out! Collective Coaching Methodology provides the approach, learning and tools we need for personal, corporate and community growth. Inclusion can be 'hard wired' into our perspectives, our ways of working and the day to day activities of all that we do.
Collective Coaching Methodology
The Collective Coaching Methodology is a group development approach which is driven by the principles of inclusion, empowerment and responsibility for others. Recognising and building individual strengths, positivity, kindness and collaboration are at the heart of the Work it Out! methodology.
Work it Out! programmes support career development, organisational effectiveness, enterprise development, inclusion and integration, community cohesion, culture change, problem solving, peace building, partnership working, etc. Work It Out! with its acclaimed Collective Coaching Methodology has delivered incredible outcomes for individuals in finding meaningful work, earning income, designing alternative career models, looking after each other and achieving all that is important to us.
More than this though, Work it Out! is a highly effective inclusion and empowerment methodology to support the priorities of Organisations, Government Agencies and Local Councils. We work collaboratively to build innovative, bottom-up and effective organisations/networks of all sizes and types. The application of the Work it Out! Methodology is available wherever you are based. It offers new ways of bringing people together to leverage their collective experience and expertise - to tackle poverty and disadvantage, harness potential, promote inclusion, improve profitability and drive economic growth.
The 25 key principles
Here is an overview of the 25 key operating principles which guide every Work it Out! initiative
1. What do you really want to do? (Mary’s story) 2. The upside-down triangle - it's a bottom-up process. 3. Dual responsibility - helping others to help you. 4. Creating Workpieces (Pizza pieces) 5. Learn to knit – we all have an amazing career waiting for us (Fiona’s story) 6. The six perspectives to bring out the best in all that you are and all you will be. 7. Pick and mix – what are your favourites? 8. Positive living - The proven language of work and success 9. The values of Work it Out! 10. Your signature speech - a presentation formula that works, no matter what. 11. Introducing yourself to others – what you must say. 12. Leave your message – what’s on your business card? 13. Daily harvesting - our free asset creating machine 14. Capture it all – journal and phone assistant 15. Write and publish your book – get your message out there. 16. Only work once - passive income for all of us. 17. Everlasting grants – ongoing income from every project or contract. 18. Two essential communication skills – ask and yes 19. Daily reminders - how to re-train your brain for success (Richard’s story) 20. Segmentation and monetization - thirty personal income streams that we all have. 21. DSED - do something every day (small steps) 22. Action Planning process. 23. The individual economic sustainability framework - how far have you travelled? 24. Feedback mechanisms to leverage potential 25. Building momentum – online and offline group activities
What's the difference between Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?
Many organisations use the terms equality, diversity and inclusion interchangeably - but each one is very different in its meaning, purpose and application.
Equality is essentially a legislative framework targeting key issues such as belief, sexuality or racism . Equality applies labels to people and groups (with regard to these characteristics) in an effort to raise awareness and promote equality of treatment.
Diversity is about the differences that we have. Diversity promotes the fact that we are all unique with our different backgrounds, skills, talents, interests and experiences. Diversity takes account of our equality characteristics but does not define us in this way.
Inclusion is the process and result of the way that we leverage all of our skills, knowledge and experience to benefit everybody inside and outside of our organisation, family or community. Diversity and equality are only two of the many components of inclusion.