Day 392 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises INNER AND OUTER LEARNING There are two parts of your self. There is a busy part that we know well and lasts a lifetime. The quieter part is hidden and it lasts forever. This is the part that we must find. These are the two aspects to personal development. Outer learning shows us how to survive and grow in the world. And Inner learning teachers us about who we really are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are you doing to develop your inner learning? 2. What are you doing to develop your outer learning? Day 391 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises FRIENDSHIP We don’t try to sell stuff to our friends. We help them, without asking for money. We don’t try to make money from our friends. We share what we have, for free. Friendship is a mindset, with activities that offer and share all that we have, for the benefit of others. Friendship is that joyful space of playing together and growing with others, where money is not the driver. For friendship is a gift where, we quietly receive more than we could ever imagine, for free. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Where is 'money the driver' in your relationships with others? 2. Do you look to build friendships first or to sell stuff first? Day 390 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises TEENAGE YEARS When I was fifteen, the teachers shouted at me, for daydreaming and looking out of the window. I only scraped a pass in a few subjects. Every day now, I sit quietly and daydream. When I was sixteen, I wrote a book of song lyrics. Teenage love and aspirational words. I never shared them. Every day now, I write new words for all to see. When I was seventeen, I created my first business idea and bought a candle making kit which came in a box. It never got off the kitchen table. Every day now, I light a candle which sits on a little table. When I was eighteen, I decided to become a priest and go off to Africa and help the poor. I never made it. Every day now, I try to build a world of kindness. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Think back to your teenage years. Where are those activities, dreams and ideas happening now in your life? 2. Look after our teenagers - for they are already living their future right now. Day 389 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises BOOKSHELF What book are you reading today? How are you growing and nourishing all that interests you? How are you taking some time to escape the world, and to be with yourself? What book will you pick up today? To sit for just a few minutes, perhaps with a cup of coffee. A chance to imagine, to explore, to smile and to revive you. What book are you reading today? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Choose a book from your bookshelf - perhaps one you haven't opened in a while or one you never got around to reading. 2. Find a quiet corner .... Day 388 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises LIVE YOUR LIFE BACKWARDS To live our lives backwards frees us from the expectation of our past. It lifts the burden of everything that we are carrying. It allows us to start afresh from a position of where we end up, not where we are now. Living our life backwards takes us out of ‘cumulative thinking’ where we keep asking ourselves ‘what comes next?’ For all of our current options are created from our experience, expectations and learning to date. However, if we start at the end and live our lives backwards we begin from a completely new place, one of no history or expectation. It means that we can completely and freely design the rest of our life. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What will you be at the end of your life? 2. Where will you be? 3. What will you have achieved? 4. Now live your life backwards and make it all happen! Day 387 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises FUTURE STORY Write down your future story! State exactly what will happen. Read your story every morning. Read your story every evening. Put your story on your phone. Put it beside your computer. Put it inside your notebook. Put in your wallet or purse. Put your story on your fridge. Put it on your office wall. Put it on your bathroom mirror. Put it on your bedside table. Read your story now. Watch your future unfold every moment, every day, everywhere. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write down exactly what you want to see happen in your life. 2. Make it real every day..... Day 386 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises IMPOSSIBLE AND UNIMAGINABLE Leave some space every day for the impossible to happen for you, or it won’t. Leave some space every day for the unimaginable to happen for you, or it can’t. We cannot transform our lives by expecting more of the same, or repeating what we’ve already done. So, every day take a moment for the impossible and the unimaginable to happen for you, and it will. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write down what is impossible for you.? 2. Write down what is unimaginable for you? 3. Now allow yourself to see impossible an unimaginable actually happening for you. Day 385 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises QUALITATIVE EASING There is talk of slowly getting back to normal. But this is much more than a call to gradually ease back, into the way that we used to work and live. We have been given the opportunity to reposition exactly who we are. We have been given an amazing moment of choice and the time to make it happen. This is a call to lift our lives from where it was and to place ourselves where we want to be. This is the life-changing moment of our real new normal. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Are you going back to where you were? 2. What would you like your new normal to be? 3. What is you plan to reposition who you are and to place yourself where you want to be? Day 384 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises IDENTITY PARADE It’s not that I don’t care anymore, about what others think of me. It’s that I care more than ever, about who I am. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How would you describe how others see you? 2. How close is this image to the real you? 3. What is stopping you being open with others about who you really are? Day 383 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises CAREER SWAPPING The Monks give their lives to God. Their worldly aspirations and desires for self-fulfilment are left behind. And yet the monastery requires income to survive, and so monks must integrate with the world. They need to sell their beer, and open their café and shop. They become reluctant businessmen. We, are on the other hand, strive to develop our future and provide for our longer-term needs. We are immersed in the busyness of life. as we look after our loved ones and build our career. As we grow older, however, we are forced to address a different reality. We become reluctant monks. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Where are you at this stage of your life on the 'business-monk' scale? |
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