Day 402 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises NEGATIVE CONDITIONING Much of our conditioning about God has come through the media and religions, with their view of what is truth. Much of our conditioning about talking with God, has come through concepts such as prayer or meditation. But what if we made a fresh start, and built our own understanding and personal relationship, with whatever we perceive God to be? For God is really the unknown that is out there, beyond us and yet in each of us, and all of us. Imagine then, if we could go beyond all that negative conditioning and talk with love and kindness, To ourselves and to others. to all that we know, and don’t know. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How do you imagine a God that is unknow but yet within you and part of you? 2. How can you begin to develop a relationship with your God? Day 401 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THREE YEAR PLAN Have you created the picture of what your life will look like , three years from now? Can you see where you are living, who you are with, and the work that you are doing? Can you imagine how you feel, what your health is like, what is happening around you, and what is bringing you joy? It’s time to draw, to map out in words, exactly what your life will be three years from now. For if you do not know who you will be, or where you are going, then how will you get there? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who will you be in three years time? 2. What will you be doing in three years time? Day 400 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises WHITE SPACE When I feel the automatic urge to pick up my phone, switch on the TV, or browse the net, I now pause. For I realise that these are habits I’ve learned. I fill my brain and use up my time, with activities. It’s all other people’s content, and although some is good, to be honest, most is not really the food of life! I 'm trying not to give away my time and my focus to external content. I'm learning to be more selective in my choices. My freelance graphic designer has spent years telling me about white space, and urging me to see things differently. ‘You don’t need to fill every piece of the page with text, images are content,’ she says. I’m now leaving empty spaces in my day, replacing the urge to fill every moment. It’s my white space time. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When is your White Space time today? 2. How much are you filling up on other people's content? Day 399 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises A NEW NOTEBOOK It’s always a strange feeling starting a new notebook, and writing on that first page. It’s like a new baby, full of potential and ready to tell all her stories. It’s the same routine for both, daily feeds and each day, a new chapter unfolds. Your notebook and your baby, both reflections of you in their own way. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Is it time to start a new notebook? 2. Are you ready to capture all that is happening within and around you? 3. What will you write first in your new notebook? Day 398 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE RULE OF ONE The centre of the universe and of everything is in each of us. All power and powerlessness lies within each of us, in our own measure. All resources and lack of resources lie within each of us, in our own measure. All opportunity and struggle lies within each of us, in our own measure. All joy and pain lies within each of us, in our own measure. All hope and hopelessness lies within each of us, in our own measure All love rests within each of us, overflowing beyond all imagination, embracing each of us, without measure. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your measure of power, resources, opportunity, joy and hope? 2. Where is our embrace for those who struggle, are in pain or powerless in our world? Day 397 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises PULLING THE PLUG It’s as if the plug has been pulled out of the bath. I’m sitting in empty space. That’s how I feel today. My brain has been emptied of all tasks and work. I have literally nothing to do. It’s an amazing feeling! An incredible freedom. Is it time to pull the plug and sit in empty space? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Are you willing to sit in an empty bath? Day 396 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises CATERPILLAR TRACKS I am a caterpillar among millions of caterpillars. Some of them talk of breaking free and living in a different way. But I have much to do as a caterpillar. All talk of freedom and flying is for butterflies. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When and how are you going to become a butterfly? Day 395 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises PHASES OF LIFE As we go through life, it’s easy to see it all as one journey. And yet, if we stop and look back, we can notice different periods. A time when we did this. A time when we were that. So, look at the present time and realise that this too, is a period of transition, and transformation. You are in the middle of something now. And soon it will end. And then you will be into the next phase of your journey. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are the key characteristics of this Phase of your life? 2. What do you think your next Phase will look like? Day 394 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises FOUR PRISONS We all have our regrets which we hold and bury. We all have our fears which we manage or ignore. We all have our secrets which we cover or hide. We all have our mistakes which we repeat time and again. We all have a view of ourselves that can trap and restrict us. Regrets, fears, secrets and mistakes are the four prisons that stop us becoming all that we should be. Our transformation comes about when we replace these with love, joy, friendship, and trust, in all that we are, and do. So replace your regrets with joyful reminders. Replace your fears with trust in what is now. Replace your secrets with love of yourself. Replace your mistakes with friendship and help for others. Free yourself from the four prisons of self, and see the incredible person that you already are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write out the regrets, fears, secrets and mistakes that you still carry 2. Write out your new list of joy, trust, love and friendship. Day 393 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises FUTURE SELF Write yourself a key message for today. It’s a message from your future self. Write a message to encourage you, lift you and inspire you. It’s a message to focus on what matters, reset your direction, and sort out your future . Your future self is reaching backwards, smiling as you are handed this message. Write yourself a key message for today. What is your future self saying to you? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write out a message right now, from you future self? 2. How exactly are you going to act on this? |
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