TIME ZONE I’ve changed my time zone. I now get up at six o’clock rather than eight and go to bed at ten o’clock rather than midnight. By moving my time zone back two hours I have not only been able to redesign my day but to reinvent the work that I do. You see, these two amazing extra hours every morning help me to redefine not just the rest of the day but who I am. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How could you restructure your daily routine in some way to create ‘extra’ time? 2. How would you like to reinvent the work that you do? ANGELS Isabella is the light of my life, saving me from everything. Not expecting anything and finding true joy in all things. She helps me with mundane tasks bringing me to a level of understanding, peace and real happiness in these moments. Her excited greeting ‘Hello Grandad!’ makes me thankful for my years. Her run to get lifted makes me wish I was younger. Isabella is my angel. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who is your angel? 2. How does your angel save you? JIGSAW PUZZLE I do not even have one piece of the jigsaw. I don’t know how many pieces there are or what the picture on the lid of the box is. Yet this is a jigsaw that will be completed. For the search for pieces and the piecing together will answer every question. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What pieces have you found so far? 2. What pieces are missing? WORLD WIDE WEB The World Wide Web has existed since the beginning of time. It has enabled people to link up and help one another without limitation. If we say a prayer today for someone in need who we don’t know we can reach out with love and we will change the world. For our gift of love will explode like a million meteor showers, exploding together at once and covering the whole world. And these explosions of love will in turn create more explosions of love. In an instant we can change, help and support the lives of everyone. The exponential growth of love, beyond culture, countries or technology is personal, direct and transformative. It’s our world wide web of love. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Send out a message on the World Wide Web of love. 2. Where will your meteor showers land? RESET BUTTON If we keep thinking the same way we will come to the same conclusion. If we keep doing the same things we will still get the same results. If we keep looking the same way we will miss what is really happening. If we keep going in the same direction we will miss the turning point. Press your reset button. Think differently about everything. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What will happen when you press your reset button? 2. How will you think differently, do things differently, see things differently and go in a different way? TERRITORY MANAGEMENT God is not territorial. God is love. God does not need us to believe in anything but love. For love is all we need to unite us in common goals of peace, kindness and compassion. Love requires us to look beyond ourselves. It asks us to feed the hungry and care for the sick. Questions of belief or non-belief miss the point of all that is. We are not here to exclude others but to unite ourselves with all others. That is our purpose. There is no greater priority for mankind. Structures give authority and authority brings power over others. Religious structures too can divide us despite all the good words. We can walk through the doors of exclusion and re-write the rules that hinder the fulfilment of the true purpose, potential and happiness of all. Inclusion can grow quietly and gently within each of us, for this is our personal journey of love. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What exclusive structures do we belong to or support? 2. Who are we not linking up with or reaching out to, that we should? COMPLIANCE To change things for the better You do not need to operate within the rules of business and the machinery of the world. You can bypass the games of competition and expectations of others. You have your own compass of compliance, your own way of being and are your own self. This must grow and flourish despite all around it and because of all around it. You can set a different path. A new way. You can offer fresh hope just by being totally and truthfully you. This will create new ways of working that will change everything – forever. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What guides your compass of compliance? 2. How are you changing things for the better? PEACE BUILDING Throw your grenades of love into the world with a quiet thought. Fire your missiles of help to those in need with a wish especially for them. Blast your kindness to everyone you have never met with a moment of silence for them. Launch your propaganda offensive with words and messages of love and a share of your resources. Create collateral damage that inspires and transforms everyone to join your war of peace. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your war of peace? 2. How can you escalate this? RELOCATION PACKAGE We’re moving house next week. My wife is busy ensuring all the lightbulbs are working. She will clean the flat from top to bottom. She’s had new window locks fitted as we’d lost the keys. We’ve been to the hardware store and bought a new electric fire to replace the one that we are taking. The Shop Assistant laughed as it was the hottest summer on record! We have even bought better quality ornamental coals for the gas fire. We’ve touched up all the paperwork where pictures used to hang. We have left a welcome pack of notes with instructions on the boiler, door key codes, internet connections, recycling arrangements and heating controls. The last thing will be to leave a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine. We’ve spent all this time and we will never see the people who move in. We will not know who takes our place here. We will not know if they are kind or thoughtful. We will not know if they are younger or older than us. When I questioned all this activity, I am gently reminded that it’s just about doing for others as we would like them to do for us. She asks ‘If we were to walk in here what would we like to see? It’s not so much about us leaving and moving but, them arriving. Sometimes we need to relocate our thinking. For relocation is not so much about where you go but what you leave behind. (P.S. Three weeks after we left, we received a lovely thank-you card.) PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your next move in life or work? 2. What will you leave behind? HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Every time I play golf I am with you, remembering to keep my head down and watch the ball. I always want to play on my own, partly due to embarrassment at my standard but also, just to be with you. For it is not about the score, the lost balls, my swing, or even the one or two good shots that redeem the round. It’s about being with you, treasuring the gift that you gave me, and remembering your call to follow through. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are your best memories of those who loved you? 2. What is your ‘follow through’? |
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