CONNECTIONS I know that I am nothing but that I am connected to everything through love. I know that I can do so little but that through this great love I can do everything. I therefore give myself to Love so that everyone can be well and all as it should be. In submitting to infinite goodness I unleash a gentle power within me beyond all imagining. For it is in this complete submission that I am connected to everything that ever was and is yet to come. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are you connected to? 2. Who are you connected to? NETT GAIN If you pull back the net curtain you will see clearly. You will see forever into the distance. If you don’t pull back the net curtain all you will see is the net curtain and a vague light behind it. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What would you like to see more clearly? 2. What is the net curtain? EXCLUSION It is no longer enough to stand inside the tent and call people to join you. Sometimes we need to go outside the tent and work with people, so that we can all walk in together. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who is in you tent? 2. How can I or others join you? HANDS-ON I can remember you washing your hands in the kitchen sink. You'd just come home from work with garage grease up to your elbows. And Ma rescued the situation with a towel whilst serving us our tea. I can remember you asking me to hold out my hands So that you could wind the wool into balls. And then you'd sit at night knitting Aran jumpers that were admired by all. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Being hands-on means that we are actively involved. We make things happen with others. What are you making happen at the moment? 2. What hands-on activities do you have with your partner and/or children in the daily activities of home life? 3. How are you working with others who are holding out their hands, asking for help? STEP CHANGE Back to work. Back to the coffee shop. Back to family and friends. Back to barbecues. Back to days out. Back to meeting up. Back to school. Back to all we love. Progress now means that we move forwards by going backwards in small steps. We are rediscovering and cherishing all that we had and once took for granted. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is the 'step change' you are most looking forward to rediscovering? 2. How do you express your thanks and appreciation for what you already have in all aspects of your life? SELF ACTUALIZATION Mission and purpose ask us to reach into ourselves and try to understand who we are, why we are here and what we are meant to do at this time. Self actualization is made real and visible for us every day through this ongoing inward search and the ever-present uncovering of truth on our lifelong journey. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your mission and purpose? 2. What have you uncovered today about yourself? COFFEE MORNING I just love this first cup of coffee in the morning. It’s my moment of appreciation for the day I’ve been given. It’s my celebration and gratitude for a new start, full of wonder of all that will unfold before me and for me. I gently leave to one side the troubles from yesterday. I do not carry the worries of the past. I begin afresh, right here, right now, with both hands clasped in thanks, around this first cup of coffee. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How do you welcome and say thanks for each new day that you have been given? It can be as simple as a thoughtful cup of coffee! 2. What is your new start? LIFETIME GUARANTEE We are all made of pure love. The same pure love is present in each of us and unites all of us together. Our lives add a rough crust of worldliness over this pure love, hiding who and what we truly are. Life circumstances, difficulties and personal choices can add layer upon layer, burying our real selves. But underneath it all, no matter what we do exists our pure love, secure and untarnished. And so it is, that each of us and all of us together, are protected and cared for, forever. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What does your 'rough crust of worldliness' look like? 2. What 'life circumstances, difficulties and personal choices' have contributed to hiding your real self? DISCIPLINARY HEARING You must never lose your battle cry, your willingness to go for it. You must never dilute what you once dreamt about, what you saw so clearly. You must never give up whatever happens, whatever others may say. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What did you once see so clearly? 2. How can you discover (or re-discover) your battle cry? RESILIENCE We spend all our lives doing stuff. And then planning and doing more stuff. It's exhausting. Our life is passing us by. And still we plan and do more stuff. Schedules, routines and to do lists strap us into this world of doing. Like chains. We accept this as normal and yet it doesn't have to be like this. We can get off the treadmill. Step back from the world of doing and see a different world. The world of being. Here all is calm and peaceful. There are no timetables and no demands. It's a timeless place that holds all that is important to us. Yet many of us rarely go there. Get off the treadmill every now and then. You will immediately arrive at the world of being with its peace, gentleness and with nothing to do. Just be. Be yourself. Let all love fill you and renew you for the next part of your doing journey. This is the font of resilience. This is the source of all. This is where we all can be truly ourselves. It is our place of being, where we truly belong. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is the 'stuff' that can trap you or exhaust you at times? 2. When will you step back and take a little time to refresh yourself at your font of resilience? |
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