Day 342 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises NON-STICK The opportunity of life is to focus on what we will become and not to be stuck in who we are. The opportunity of today is to focus on what we will become and not to be stuck in who we are. The opportunity of this moment is to focus on what we will become and not to be stuck in who we are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What will you take from this moment and the opportunity it presents? 2. How will you make the most of today? 3. Where (or how) do you need to unstick aspect of your life, work, relationships or future? Day 341 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THEOLOGY You don’t have to go anywhere, to be with God. He is with you now. You don’t have to say anything, to communicate with God. For he knows you well. You don’t have to give any time to God, for he is time, and he gives this to you. You don’t have to believe in God, for he gives you life and believes in you. You don’t have to apologise to God for he is love, and has forgiven everything. You don’t have to ask God for anything, for it has already been given to you. You don’t have to think of God as ‘out there’ for he is already in you, as you are in him. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write down your theology - your understanding of what God is. 2. What is your relationship with God? How would you describe this? Day 340 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises WRITER'S BLOCK I have never suffered from writer's block. I have never worried about the words not coming, or writing a daily quota. You see, for me the words are a by-product, and not the main objective. My aim is to sit quietly and this is the process that may, or may not, produce words. The real joy, wonder and contentment comes in the process of sitting quietly. For this is the block we can all build upon each day. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When do you sit quietly? 2. When do you write the words that are within you? Day 339 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises DECISION MAKING No matter how old you are, you can still change the world. No matter what you’ve been through, you can still change the world. No matter what your current situation is, you can still change the world. It only takes a moment, one new idea, a different thought, an unusual event, a chance encounter, an unexpected conversation, a surprise meeting, or some words of encouragement for you to begin. This is why you’re here, and it will happen. You are about to start afresh. So, get ready to change the world. And if you don’t believe this, then how can it happen? If you don’t think this is possible then how can it begin? And, if you don’t see that I am waiting to help you, then how can you answer? Your age is important, for we all need your experience. What you’ve been through really counts, for we all need your wisdom. The fact that you are still here, tells us, that you can change the world. Everything that has happened has led you here. Your plan is unfolding as it should. And you are reading this now, precisely because, this is the moment you decide to change the world. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Well, are you going to join us? Can you help us to change the world? 2. This is day one of starting afresh - where exactly will you begin? Day 338 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises INVERSE PROPORTION By stepping back from the world. By spending time on our own. By moving further into our being. And by going deeper into ourselves, we in fact move away from all notions of self, to be closer to where we truly belong. By going inwards we really go outwards, and we see more and more, that we are connected to all that ever was, and ever will be. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How are you learning to go deeper into yourself? 2. What is your 'self'? Day 337 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises KEYWORD Imagine if we could find a way to work together that was for the benefit of those most in need, as well as our own personal interests. Imagine if governments across the world were to work collaboratively, not on the basis of trade, but in looking after everyone on our planet. Imagine if all religions and beliefs were to act together, to help all of those in need. Imagine if all situations of conflict could be transformed, now, to communities of peace. Imagine if we could understands our true purpose, and could live this in every moment. Imagine if we could find something so precious that we give our whole life to it. Imagine that one word holds the key to all of this. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is this keyword for you? 2. Now that you know this keyword, what are you going to do? Day 336 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises KINDLING We all depend on positive feedback, confirmation that we are doing well, being told that we are making great progress, and that we are loved. We all thrive when others show interest, say 'thank you', tell us (and others), that we are amazing, and, when they encourage us onwards. These inputs from others create new energy within us, for each comment and smile is like kindling for the fire, burning within each of us. Kindling comes from the word kind, and means to initiate and build kindness, in every thought, in every word, in every moment and with every person. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What kindling have you created and shared today? 2. Who is giving you kindling that is sustaining you? 3. What piece of kindling could you initiate and share right now? Day 335 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises WORK Work is simply a method of engaging in prayer. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your work all about? 2. What would you really like to work on? Day 334 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises BECOMING Be with me at the start of the day. Be with me throughout the day. Be with me at the end of the day. Be with me in all our thoughts. Be with me in all our actions. Be with me in all our relationships. Be with me in all we were. Be with me in all we are. Be with me in all we will become. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Define what each of these means for you - be, being and becoming? 2. What is the practical day to day outworking of each? How are they each made visible in your day? Day 333 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises RSVP Inclusion is the ongoing invitation for collaboration, participation, sharing and caring, that we send out to others. Inclusion is our offer that requires acceptance. And not everyone will say yes. You cannot take them all with you. And so, inclusion is a continuous and everlasting invitation. It is our individual, organisational and global, lifelong purpose. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who will you send an invitation of inclusion to today? 2. How is you organisation being inclusive to all its staff, those it serves and the wider international community? 3. How are you reaching out globally to include others ? |
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