SHORT-TERM MEMORY We awaken each day. We forget to say thanks. We settle to sleep. We forget to say thanks. We eat our food. We forget to say thanks. We wear our clothes. We forget to say thanks. We have our home. We forget to say thanks. We have our world We forget to say thanks. We walk and talk. We forget to say thanks. We laugh and cry. We forget to say thanks. We have our family. We forget to say thanks. We have our friends. We forget to say thanks. We have our work. We forget to say thanks. We have our rest. We forget to say thanks. We have time to be busy. We forget to say thanks. We have time to rest. We forget to say thanks. We can think and dream. We forget to say thanks. We can plan and prepare. We forget to say thanks. We can be happy or sad. We forget to say thanks. We can be ourselves. We forget to say thanks. We were born and given life. We forget to say thanks. We have wonderful memories. We forget to say thanks. Everything has been given to us. We stop and give thanks. For all that we are. We stop and give thanks. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Just stop for a moment and give thanks for all that you are. 2. Write down you top ten thank-you's and remember to say them at the same time every day. |
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