VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Be gracious. Be kind. Listen. Ask questions. Smile. Be positive, no matter what. Find the good in every situation. Search for alternatives, even if you cannot see any. Do not boast. Do not take the credit. Be humble. After all, your success is because of others. Recognise that you are not perfect, and that this in itself is perfect. Accept that others are not perfect, and that is the way it is meant to be. You do not have to know everything. Just work with those you can help and with others who can help you. Love plays to people strengths. Discover and celebrate the talents of others. Your workplace is the whole world. Your task is to reach out to all for you are responsible for everyone. This is not an impossible task. It is your gift of compassion to those in need. Be ambitious for all that you can be. Remember that you can achieve absolutely anything, with the right support. Surprise others. Make them laugh. Do the unexpected. Make every day different and every meeting memorable. Make every customer feel amazing with your smile. Respond to unhelpful people with kindness. Answer aggression with politeness. Stick to your own framework of love no matter what difficulties arise. For all things will pass. Stay young no matter how old you are. Be wise and listen no matter how young you are. Always. What do you do today is your legacy. Use every moment. Explore. Wonder at the sunrise, the water and the smile of the child. Embrace those you love every day. Hug them and tell them that they are truly amazing. Tell them you love them. Your children will teach you everything you need to know. Your grandchildren will teach you even more. Remember that you are working in every minute. And being rewarded with the gift of life. Never work for just money for time is so precious. Every person is a star. Every conversation an inspiration. Capture value from everything for it has all been given to you as a gift. Be thankful. Your work is you. It isn’t an office building or a factory. Take your work into every situation, as a force for good, as a champion of kindness. You are a fountain of love. You can choose to be majestic or to keep your tap turned off. You are the fountain of all love. All love can flow through you. All the love that has ever been and ever will be, is connected to you, and through you. Your health will not always be good so never take it for granted. Waking up in the morning is the most amazing gift ever, for one day it will cease. Be bold. Be brave. Be daring. Be adventurous. Be creative. For love Shake the tree and rattle the cage. How else will you know if apples will fall or that lion will roar? Then gather the apples and open the cage. Don’t accept half measures. Don’t settle for anything less than brilliant. Bring out the best in everyone. For if it is worth doing, it’s worth doing right Don’t be self-sufficient! Build amazing relationships everyday with your partner, your family, your community, and your many workplaces. Decide where you’re going. Imagine all that you should be. Focus on this each day. Don’t get distracted. Stay your course and claim that prize. Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Just because everyone else has failed doesn’t mean you will. Just because others say something doesn’t mean it’s true. Listen to yourself. Go for a walk on your own every day. Sit in silence and try not to think Forgive yourself. Always Stop beating yourself up. You are perfect as you are. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Be thankful every single night. Recognise all that has happened and the fact that you were part of all that has happened today. You played your part in the theatre of the world Sometimes it’s good to act fast. Other times it’s good to sit and do nothing. Go with the flow. You are not on your own. You are not alone, even in your darkest moments. All times will pass. And love will continue to grow Be successfully before 10 o’clock each day. Always say yes. Ask for help for it’s a sign of strength. Build linkages, and enable others to play their part. Be enthusiastic in your work, and smile. You are amazing! Use your voice and say what is important to you. Decide on your purpose and play every day with possibilities. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Create your personal Instruction Manual . |
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