FREELANCERS Some people pray to the Saints in heaven to intercede for them, and to help them. They believe that these holy people have a good place in heaven. They also have God’s ear. The prayers are usually calls for help with illness, or for situations that are causing stress or worry. And the prayers are not only for the person themselves, but often for those they love. But everyone who has died is in heaven, and has God’s ear. They are all waiting for you to ask for help. So, reach out to those you know who have died, Reach out to those who you don’t know, and ask for their help, too. For heaven is like a team of freelancers, all working together to help us. Heaven is packed with experience and wisdom. You see, the energy and interests, that we have in this life, continue to grow and flourish, in the next. So, what answers do you need? What help are you asking for? Who are you asking? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What Projects are you planning? 2. Who is on your team of Freelancers? |
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