. AMBITION The main task that you’re working on at the moment is really a small thing. Beyond this there is a larger task that you are easily capable of. Just think for a moment what is this larger task? For this is what you should be doing. This should be your focus. And beyond this larger task is a greater task one of real significance, that you are easily capable of. Just think for a moment what is this greater task? For this is what you should be doing. This should be your focus. And beyond this greater task is the greatest task where all of your effort should be, that you are easily capable of. Just think for a moment what is the greatest task? For this is what you should be doing. This should be your focus. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is the key task that you are working on now? 2. What is the 'larger task', the 'greater task' beyond this and the 'greatest task'? 3. What is the level of your ambition? |
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