INVESTMENT STRATEGY When we speak of investment we think of the financial return on our money. But this is not investment, this is just making more money – or trying to. If we really want a return on our resources then we should invest in the skills, experience knowledge and shared passions of all the people that we know and those we don’t know. And we don’t do this for financial gain. We do it because we have money and because we can help them to become what they should be. This is real investment, helping people to be all they can be and in turn enabling us to be who we should be. When we die we will have no money. We can’t take it with us. So, plan to invest all you can and watch the fruits grow while you’re still here. Create ripples of goodness. Plant seeds of hope. Invest in all that is positive and kind. Make your mark on all those you meet. Invest your time helping others. Go way beyond duty or expectation. Surprise others with your commitment, your energy, your enthusiasm and your spirit. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who is your investment strategy focussed on? 2. What is the return on your resources? |
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