Day 406 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises WHEN INCLUSION ISN'T WORKING I was asked to advise the Senior Team of a leading UK University on how to make inclusion work. They had four values of 'innovation', 'collaboration', 'determination' and 'diversity and inclusion' in their strategy. But inclusion wasn’t happening. My queries seemed like a strange language to them. They totally disagreed with kindness and didn’t see it as relevant. They had no place for caring, compassion or helping. This was the view of the Head of Marketing and Communication. And the People Director. Others stayed quiet. It seemed a strange position for a student led business. But this University is not alone. Many organizations are trying to bolt-on inclusion as a corporate behaviour, when really, it’s a personal one. It's human values that we must cherish, as well as corporate ones. Inclusion in practice, is about behaviours that encourage and enable us to help each other, as we work and learn together. We must care for one another. We must be compassionate and kind. For none of us, whether staff or students, know what others are carrying, or going through. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are the values that your organization actively promotes? 2. What does your Corporate Plan say are the inclusive behaviours that your organization values? |
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