Day 345 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises ONLINE COMMUNITY Our online business behaviour has largely been reduced to self-interest and personal promotion, that is unsustainable and fails to support everyone. We have apps where we do little or no networking, have so called friends who we rarely speak with, and email funnels designed to chase our money. We are capable of so much more. Collaboration can help us to leverage our experience, support each other, and get all the help that we need. We can be open to new relationships and business possibilities, not limited to selling stuff, ego massaging, vanity projects or holding onto what is ours. We can move to collective activities, freely offer our support and reach out to those who need our expertise and skills. Each of us can start a real online community. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Will you begin today to reach out and support those who you can help? 2. Could you encourage others to follow the rules of your online community - to help and look after every single person in the group? 3. Could you use your collective skills, experience and knowledge to create something amazing with every person? 4. Could you then encourage others to create their own real online communities? |
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June 2021
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