Day 358 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE GOOD NEWS The Good News is an understanding and an awareness of who we truly are. We are love and we are loved. This love can never die. Jesus overcame death by rising from the dead to show us this, so that we would believe in ourselves. So, the Good News is an ongoing call to believe in the goodness of yourself. It’s about you recognising that you are a loving person and a giver of love. You also make sacrifices for love and in turn, you too, will go beyond death and live forever. The Good News is the gift of eternal love that asks nothing of you but to believe in yourself. With this understanding and self awareness you can do amazing work in helping others and in creating a kinder world. These are the fruits of the Good News, the love that is each of us and the reason that we are here. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How do you show love? List 5 examples 2. How do others show you love? List 5 examples 3. What could you do today to help others ? |
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