Day 403 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE HELPING MODEL We can shift our thinking about helping others, and move from a ‘selective’ or ‘ad-hoc’ or ‘reactive’ approach, to making it our ‘normal way of being’ with everyone. This is when we are applying the helping model. When we help someone we gain experience. We have a case study. We learn something new. We produce something together. We get feedback. We build a relationship. We get ideas. We grow together. We feel better. We make a contribution. We become more. When we apply the helping model, we free ourselves to look outwards. We become proactive. We become problem solvers. We generate ideas. We enable change to happen. We not only fast track our own growth and success, but change countless lives along the way. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How can the Helping Model free you to become more? |
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